Registration is now open for the 1st Biennial Midwestern PCIT Conference on May 17-18, 2018! Please follow this link to register:
Children’s Hospital & Medical Center, Omaha, is hosting the 1st Biennial Midwest Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Conference in 2018, co-provided by Iowa PCIT and Project Harmony. The goal of this conference is to provide continuing education and networking for new and experienced PCIT providers. Children’s Hospital & Medical Center is excited to offer engaging keynote speakers and relevant topics for our local Midwest community as well as the larger community of PCIT therapists. This first year’s theme is “Engaging Families, Engaging Systems.” We know that PCIT is effective, but we also know that there are many reasons that children and families are not always able to access or complete these services and that the many systems surrounding children can have a significant impact on the accessibility and feasibility of PCIT. The aim of this year’s conference is to focus on factors that enhance family engagement and increase awareness and collaboration with a range of child-serving systems (e.g., schools, primary care, child welfare, juvenile justice).
The four Keynote Speakers are: Sheila Eyberg, PhD, ABPP President, PCIT International Professor Emeritus, University of Florida John Paul Abner, PhD Professor of Psychology Milligan College PCIT International Certified Master Trainer Member, PCIT International Training Committee Director of PCIT Services for the East Tennessee Center of Excellence for Children in State Custody Anthony Urquiza, PhD Professor/Director PCIT Training Center CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center UC Davis Children’s Hospital Beth Troutman, PhD, ABPP Clinical Professor of Psychiatry University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine Developer and Executive Director, IoWA-PCIT
Please contact Children’s Hospital and Medical Center with questions or concerns via email at