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The Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders: New Data and New Tools
07 Mar 2014
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Scott Conference Center, Omaha, NE
NPA Workshop with
Sam Goldstein, Ph.D.
In this presentation Dr. Goldstein will provide an overview of historical and current definitions of Autism Spectrum Disorders, discuss the core social learning problems that comprise these conditions, review symptom presentation at different ages as well as the current diagnostic protocol.
The presentation will include a discussion of data from the largest epidemiological/standardization sample completed thus far comparing autistic children to those with other developmental problems and to a large normative sample. These data as well as data from other research sources demonstrate a changing pattern of core symptoms in autism. Current information will be provided concerning the most widely used and well developed instruments to diagnose autism and to complete a thorough assessment of typically occurring comorbid problems.
The presentation will conclude with a brief review of current treatment modalities focusing on social development as well as future challenges.
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