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Integrating Medication with Psychotherapy: Case Studies in the Combined Treatment of Anxiety and Depression
28 Mar 2014
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
The Jackie Gaughn Multicultural Center University of Nebraska - Lincoln 1505 S Street, East of Student Union
Integrating Medication with Psychotherapy:
Case Studies in the Combined Treatment of Anxiety and Depression with Mikel Merritt, Maj., Ph.D. ABPP, M.A.
Since the Psychopharmacology Demonstration Project (PDP) was undertaken by the Department of Defense (DoD) in 1991, psychologists with specialized training have served in the Air Force, Army, and Navy with an expanded scope of practice. The prescribing psychologists have improved medical readiness at their locations by reducing the time patients must wait for treatment. Specifically, patients that required both psychotherapy and drug therapy did not have to wait longer for care when seeing a prescribing psychologist vs. seeing two mental health providers.
This workshop will provide a brief overview of Dr. Merritt’s path to prescriptive authority, and will then focus on description of integrated care using psychotherapy and psychotropic medications delivered by a prescribing psychologist. The case studies focus on the treatment of anxiety and depression. Download
for Learning Objectives.
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